Monday, November 17, 2008

Whiten Your Teeth by Eating Apples

Thursday, April 12, 2007

A smile enhances your face value and more so if it is backed by healthy sparkling teeth. But you just can’t do without those steaming cups of tea/coffee. They are that indispensable to you – you highly need them to stimulate you, to get you going and to brighten up your day. One of the consequences of this indulgence: over a period of time you will develop stains on your teeth, which will dull your smile.

Easiest way to fight this stain – try this good old but a highly effective home remedy. woman eating appleBite into a juicy apple after lunch. Your teeth will look noticeably whiter!


Unknown said...

There are also a lot of preventative measures to take into account when whitening your teeth. You need to pay attention to your diet and nutrition. Eating things that contain sugar, like candy, can be detrimental to the state of your teeth. Avoid soda, energy drinks, and any liquids that contain high amounts of sugar. For more information about teeth whitening, please visit our website at Miami Dentist Assure a

mine az said...

That’s true!! Apple really helps in whitening teeth. I consulted to my dentist Torrance for teeth whitening. He prescribed toothpaste and told me to eat apple daily. I did everything accordingly and now I am very happy to see best results.